After a collision, you have enough to worry about. Ensure your vehicle is repaired properly the first time. At CSN Bonfe’s you can trust that our dealership certified staff are equipped with the state-of-the-art technology and tools that allow us to remain a leader in Collision Repair.
With over 70 years of experience, residents of Saint Paul have trusted CSN Bonfe’s to repair their vehicle the right way, the first time. With knowledgeable staff who take pride in their work and a commitment to customer satisfaction, you can rest easy knowing you, and your vehicle are taken care of.
Conveniently located in downtown St. Paul, 5 blocks West of the Xcel Center, CSN Bonfe’s is a third generation family owned business which has been serving the Twin Cities since 1951 with a focus on quality repairs and exceptional customer service.
Sam Bonfe began his automotive repair shop on the corner of West Seventh Street and Smith with a focus on quality service to his customers. He started with a 10 stall mechanical shop and one employee. In 1972, Sam’s son, Roger Bonfe took over with a vision of continued service and growth.
Today, Bonfe’s Auto Service and Body Repair has 35 employees, 55 stalls and performs complete collision, painting, detailing, glass and automotive repairs. In 2005, Bonfe’s constructed a 25,000 square foot addition to our collision center. This expansion gives us the capability to repair more vehicles in a timely manner and allows us to store all vehicles indoors before, during and after repairs.
Roger Bonfe’s sons, Tony and Tom are the third generation to focus on the quality service and customer satisfaction that Bonfe’s was founded on. Over the years, our business philosophy of providing courteous, reliable, respectful service and quality repairs has remained unchanged.