Behind the CSN Business Model: Success is Just the Start - CSN Collision

Behind the CSN Business Model: Success is Just the Start

The advantage of the CSN business model is that we provide our Owners with the value to grow, the freedom to choose, and the support to succeed.

A Reputation to Uphold

CSN Collision Centres is proud to be the most advanced collision repair network in Canada. This accolade is the result of years of dedication and commitment to excellence. We believe that a great deal of our success comes from our ability to identify the best independent Owners in the country and enhance their business to provide an amazing collision repair experience to their customers. We pride ourselves on being the leading network of collision repair facilities in Canada by setting the standard for qualifications, training, and certifications.

CSN was formed in 2002 by a group of four like-minded business owners who wanted to transform the collision industry in Canada. The CSN brand now stands as the leading collision network for independent collision repair facilities, providing support through marketing, insurance, and vendor relationships to enhance the repair experience for customers everywhere. The CSN network is comprised of exclusive Owners who we recruit based on their management ability and business acumen. With our corporate support model, CSN helps outstanding collision repairers take their business to the next level. “We believe in our approach when it comes to how we support our network  and the licensees that have been with us for years continue to reap the benefits of being on Team CSN.” said CSN Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Larry French. 

At CSN we stake our reputation on the work and character of our Owners. When we look to grow our network in a market, we only consider Owners who have a proven track record in the collision repair industry. They are experts in their field and employ a team of collision, paint, glass, and customer service specialists to uphold the CSN prestige. As ambassadors for the CSN brand, every staff member at our locations carry the torch of being the most respected and trusted collision repairers in their communities. “In the industry and within their respective communities, CSN Owners are looked to as leaders and that reputation is a badge that is well deserved and one that they wear with pride,” said CSN Director of Marketing, Ashley Thorpe. The trust of our customers – who we treat like family – is something we handle with special care. Our priority is that each repair is done properly so that all customers have the comfort and trust of knowing their vehicle has been repaired properly.

The advantage of the CSN business model is that we provide our Owners with the value to grow, the freedom to choose, and the support to succeed.

Value to Grow

We know that our locations depend on us to offer a value proposition to them so that they can carry their trademark customer service to their communities. Like many networks it starts with a fee, but unlike other business models, ours is a modest, flat fee that remains consistent on an annual basis. That is a huge advantage to our owners because we are not taking a percentage of their sales.  As they grow the profits are theirs to keep and our fee remains the same. The MSO’s (multi-site operators) within our own network have been able to expand their businesses because of the flexibility of the CSN model as it pertains to their monthly fees. It maintains cost-certainty so that our Owners always know their budget, leaving room for further growth. This is integral to developing better repair processes, training staff, and purchasing the ever-advancing equipment required to repair the modern vehicle. The staple of the CSN network as the most advanced in Canada is in large part due to the significant support we give to our locations. Enhanced efficiency allows for a more focused approach on bigger picture strategies that have high impact on the prosperity of the business.

Freedom to Choose

With the freedom of choice, the CSN model lends itself to Owners that have their own strategy about where they want to take their business in the future. While there are guidelines, checklists, and protocols like any well-run organization, CSN proudly boasts a format that is far less restrictive than other networks. A suite of service options that range from different vendor programs to operational processes allows our shops to make their own decisions when it comes to the industry partnerships they choose to leverage. The CSN model acts as a force multiplier for successful business owners. If you are a reputable and profitable operator today joining CSN tomorrow increases your potential without pressuring you to choose how you grow your business. Weaving the value of how the CSN corporate support elevates profits with minimal monthly fees into the freedom to choose from a host of strategic partnerships, CSN crafts a truly unique offering to our network. The ability to select a strategy that permits licensees to reinvest in training and qualifications or expand operations to another location is a luxury enjoyed by many of the owners in the CSN family. “So many of our licensees have been able to maximize their potential by using the profits they have made with us to increase their size, reinvest in their business, and open new locations. It’s really rewarding to be a part of and I’m looking forward to more of the same in the near-future.” said French.

The Support to Succeed

The foundation that CSN is built on is the strength of our Owners independent of their partnership with our network. What CSN does is support through Insurance Relations, Marketing, Operations, Vendor programs, and Networking to allow our licensees to reach their full potential.

Insurance Relationships

We are recognized by our insurance partners for our outstanding customer service and consistent high-quality repairs. When collision repairers join CSN they have the benefit of our insurance relationships that will drive more business to their doors and help them become even more profitable than they were before.


Our Marketing department helps promote the business the right way. CSN has dedicated Regional Managers to assist in designing a marketing strategy specific to our licensee’s business. From customizing a strong online presence with a unique CSN website and fresh social media content to designing business exterior signage and everything in between. We have the tools and resources to enhance the business profile of all the locations in our network.


CSN has an experienced and skilled operational support team to advise on processes and protocols to increase efficiency. Providing training to improve on KPI’s that directly affect their bottom line, our locations have access to the most qualified and highly trained technical team in Canada.

Vendor Programs

CSN vendor programs represent a huge advantage to our licensees. With the flexibility of the CSN business model our locations can choose from an extensive list of existing partnerships and leverage our comprehensive vendor rebates to reinvest in their business.


CSN is not just a network of business owners, we are a team. When we sign-up a new licensee, they immediately gain allies in the industry that share best practices and experiences that facilitate positive and thoughtful conversations about running a successful collision repair business.

Team CSN

CSN is proud of the progress our network has made over the last 20-years. The footprint of the collision industry in Canada was formed in large part due to the contributions, dedication, and leadership of many of the individuals that serve as the leading voices in our network. When it comes to choosing the place to have your vehicle repaired, CSN is widely respected by insurance partners, OEM’s, and customers. We have the right tools, equipment, and training to restore any vehicle to pre-accident condition and get our customers back on the road safely. Become part of the leading collision repair network in Canada and start your CSN journey today!

CSN is proud to have the most vehicle manufacturer (OEM) certifications of any network in Canada.

All CSN Collision Centres repair vehicles safely and properly. Complete the fields below to find a location that specializes in repairing your vehicle.